Demand Generation Engine:

A Complete Marketing System For Generating A Constant Stream Of Pre-sold and Pre-Educated New Customers That Feel Like That Know, Like, and Trust... and Feel Like They FOUND YOU.

Did you know it's possible to create a steady flow of new patients that are pre-educated and already feel as if they know, like, and trust you? And you can do it all without Live Seminars, Webinars, Community Talks, Spinal Screenings, or making silly Tik Tok videos? It's a process we invented called the Demand Generation Engine.

Press Play To Watch A Short Video That Will Reveal How A Demand Generation Engine Could Change Your Practice Forever

Press Play Below To Learn More About Our Demand Generation Engine

What We Do At Boydston Marketing

At Boydston Marketing we have created a proprietary marketing methodology, called our Demand Generation Engine, that leverages the unique aspects of you, your practice and deploy it to attract a steady flow of referral-caliber new patients, patients that are pre-educated and feel as if they already know, like, and trust you.

So What Does A Demand Generation Engine Look Like?

A Demand Generation Engine has 2 Main Components:

Pre-Educational Content That Is Fed Into The Engine.

An AI Distribution Engine To Distribution Your Content.

The First Component Of A Demand Generation Engine is your Pre-Education. It is all the things a customer needs to know about YOU, Your Business, and your solution. An easy way to think about it is what would you tell a customer, face to face, that is considering utilizing the services your business offers.

The Second Component is an AI Distribution Engine. This is how we sequence your educational content to our prospects using Artificial Intelligence to determine who is consuming content and show up on platforms across the internet.

Understanding Our Philosophy And Approach To Marketing

EducatION First

The first thing you must do to create referral-caliber new patients is to create educational content that positions you and your practice in the mind of the potential new patient.

Some key factors in your educational marketing collateral:

  • Build trust in the eyes of the patient. Let them know about your unique solution.

  • Help them understand that they are not alone. Demonstrate that you understand their unique problems.

  • Show them a path from where they are to where they want to be.

AI Content Dissemination

You must distribute your education first content so that the people that need your service will find it.

We must assemble and disseminate your marketing messages in bite sized packages so that your prospects see it and over a series of "touches" they come to the conclusion that YOU are the one they want to work with to solve their problem.

  • It takes multiple touches to convert a prospect to "pre-qualified" status.

  • Potential patients need to see different pieces of content at different times.

  • Design a system so that the right message is delivered to the right prospect at the right time.


By dripping your marketing collateral to a targeted list of prospects over time we "indoctrinating" your prospects to see you are the logical solution. They are no longer "window shopping" they have come to the conclusion that you can help them and they want to work with YOU.

  • By allowing them to see different pieces of marketing messaging at

  • By "showing up" over time with relevant messaging we create the sense of "trust" to help potential clients take the next step and schedule an initial meeting at your practice.

Helping Chiropractors, Functional Medicine Doctors, and Local Service Businesses Generate More patients and Customers

An Effective Digital Strategy Is Essential To Thriving In Today's Market

Customers in today's market are leery of businesses that don't have an effective digital presence.

Before coming in your practice or requesting a quote for your service they want to see what others are saying about you, what sets you apart, and look for "trust factors" to determine whether or not they want to do business with you. Any crack in your online brand could be sending potential customers running the other direction.

"I’m in awe of what  you two have created.  I have never been so busy in my career.  Not complaining….just complimenting on how your efforts have paid off.  We are booked 2 to 2.5 weeks out with Clarity Calls. The quality of the prospect is fantastic.  Wonderful, sincere, women truly looking for answers."


Dr. Joni Labbe, DC, CCN, DCCN

ThyroSisters, San Diego, CA