"Can You Just Send Me Leads?"

"Can You Just Send Me Leads?"

We can absolutely do that.

But to make it beneficial on your end you must have a process to connect with the lead, uncover their needs and pain points, and communicate that you have a potential solution for them.

What most businesses owners don’t understand that traditional lead generation is connecting an offer to a potential clients frustration/pain.

We are saying: “Have this problem …. well we have this solution and we are making a low risk offer for you to try it out.”

They usually are not going to be pre-sold or even partially sold on you, your office, or the solution. But they are likely tired of this problem and your offer gave them a little hope and with prompt and compassionate connection when scheduling you can overcome that skepticism and get the opportunity to connect and prove that you care and can help.

If you would like to move the patient farther along in the conversion process and increase trust and authority before the patient becomes a “lead” then take your best marketing collateral and strategically drip it over time. The prospect will have their guard down and will come to the conclusion, on their own, that YOUR SOLUTION is the solution for them.

It does some heavy lifting and makes your contact with the prospect much more enjoyable as it becomes more of an exchange of ideas and presenting good, better, and best solutions.

We call it our E.D.I. Marketing Methodology.


Do you have marketing and educational collateral that you are hiding from your prospects? Let us help you leverage it into a system that can systematically educate and convert prospects… on autopilot since we do all the heavy lifting.

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